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January 15, 2016

Dear Ms.Bimpson,

The art cart is always running out of supplies. It is also very disorganized. We should improve the art cart by adding a sharpener, refilling the supplies regularly, and placing a recycling bin by the cart. I think it would be great if there is a second art cart exclusively for 4th and 5th graders because an art cart managed by the 4th and 5th graders would be neat and organized, therefore it would set a great example for the younger grades.

One day, I decided to check out the art cart, hoping to make some crafts. The first thing I did when I got there was pull open the “Colored Construction Paper” drawer. It was empty! Then I saw that the “Binder Paper” drawer was also empty!! After that I found a piece of plain paper to draw on. But, once I glanced at the colored pencils, I realized all the colored pencils didn’t work apart from a dull brown colored pencil. Next I pulled open the “Tape/Glue/Scissors” drawer and there wasn’t a single tape dispenser, glue bottle, or pair of scissors!!! In the end I decided to head back to the classroom. Now I really think the art cart is missing supplies!

Finally, the art cart should be improved because art helps with students’ creativity and imagination. What do you need for writing fiction stories? Lots of creativity and imagination! Even though this may lead to a teensy weensy bit of daydreaming, students should be able to have a quiet place like an improved art cart to let their imagination grow.

You might think “Well, they already have art classes.” During art classes everyone has to create a specific thing and usually no one gets to let their creativity out of their cages completely. But, these students’ imaginations will be truly sparked when they get to just freely doodle at a better, more neat and organized art cart.


Chinyoung Shao

A Hoover Hedgehog

Who Enjoys Art

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